This special art quilt series represents the inter-disciplinary spirit of the Expressive Arts.


We are all gifted with the inspiration and intention to create and play.

Creative activities rest in the harbor of safe studio spaces. Any physical space becomes a studio - a sanctuary of care and creativity - when “making” and inspiration meet.

The idea of intention - or the brave intent to try something new - leads to our being inspired. Inspiration is a highly creative state of mind and can be experienced in the safe sanctuary of rich expressive arts programming.


Expressive Arts facilitation soulfully dances between different creative processes.

We may move our bodies to music or brush bright blue watercolor paint to the rhythm of African drum music. We may use our journals to find healing words via stream of consciousness writing. We may quietly use thread and needle in stitch meditation.

Expressive Arts Workshops soulfully dance between and among music, fine craft, writing, and visual art.


We have all heard someone say “I can’t draw a stick figure,” yet what if that person could experience playful activities that assisted in letting go of the fear of being creative?

Being creative is simply a form of play and playful engagement with art media, materials, music, dance, writing or anything that brings one a sense of joy.

Expressive arts engagement is a creative activity that results in losing oneself in the creative process.


Research reports the benefits of both Arts in Medicine and Expressive Arts Therapies programs.

The arts have been applied to a vast array of health issues to improve health and quality of life. Art making is a healing endeavor and studios spaces are life enhancing environments.

The arts, as an element in healing and wellness, have grown into a philosophy of care in many hospital and community settings.